Sunday, December 6, 2009

12/6/09 Hoops Thoughts

College Hoops is starting to get a little more interesting as most teams have 6-7 games under their belt. Wright State has gotten off to the start that I think many Wright State fans thought they would. A solid 5-2 with 2 losses to Washington and Northeastern. Both games were winnable. Washington was just a better team, but if Duggins plays, maybe WSU wins that one.

My thoughts on the Raiders are a little mixed. I'm mostly optimistic about this team. They are better than last year, and last year's team won 20 games, so it's not out of the question for this team to win 24-25 games. Their all-around best player Vaughn Duggins is back and playing solidly.

Right now I think of the Raiders as a very solid team. They are going to be hard to beat. But I don't think of them as a very good team yet…Does that make any sense? Haha!

For them to become a very good team, they need to improve in a couple of areas. Right now, they aren't getting enough production from the PG or C position. N'Gai Evans has been inconsistent, and Ronnie Thomas isn't much of a threat offensively. Although Thomas doesn't usually play more then 20 minutes a game so he is a starter more in name then anything.

To break it down further…this team is lacking a point guard who creates for his teammates, and they are lacking an inside presence.


But I think there is potential there. I like Evans. He just hasn't played too well his last 3 games. If breaks out of this mini funk, it'll make the Raiders offense that much more dangerous. The return of John David Gardner could be huge. I think that will be one of the more interesting developments in the Horizon League this year.

Another positive is that I believe Corey Cooperwood is becoming more confident on offense. I think he can score a little more down low. I even think Thomas is capable, but just isn't a focal point in the offense.

This team can be dangerous on offense this year. You couldn't say that about last year's team. The development of Troy Tabler and Cooper Land seems to be the main key to in my opinion so far. Actually, the improvement is across the board. Todd Brown is better offensively, Duggins is back, Thomas a little better, Cooperwood a little more confident.

But I think a big difference is with this team you can't slow them all down. Someone comes off the bench and can be counted to pick-up the scoring slack unlike in past year.


Horizon League Thoughts


A few Horizon League games have been played. A couple of thoughts running through my mind.

-The top 4 teams seems to clearly be Butler, Wright State, Green Bay, and Detroit. Green Bay is a little surprising to me. You knew they had two good guards in Fletcher and Cotton coming back, but I questioned whether they had anything else. They are starting a 3rd guard (Perines) though who is averaging 12 ppg. They look like a very solid team. A little bit of a surprise I think.

The top of the league appears to be as strong as its been in the last several years.

-Butler has not shot it well behind the arc so far. I still think Butler is the league favorite, and a Top 25 team, but Wright State is capable of winning this league if Butler doesn't improve too much upon its 3 point shooting. Right now, I like Wright State's bench better then Butler's bench. Plus WSU has a little more experience than Butler. I don't think people outside of the conference realize that there's not a big separation between Butler and Wright State this year.

And who knows. Maybe Detroit and Green Bay are in that conversation as well.

-I've seen Loyola for a few minutes this year. They don't look particularly too talented, but I think they look well-coached from what I've seen. They could be a little bit of a surprise.

-Cleveland State is a work in progress. Norris Cole is very good, but not good enough to completely carry them. A lot of their success depends on Aaron Pogue's development. It's yet to be seen whether he'll finally live up to his potential. I know he's only a sophomore, but I'm not a huge Trey Harmon fan. He seems to have an extremely quick trigger. A disappointing start for CSU, but Gary Waters has that program in great position I think. If they stay healthy they should be very good again next year, and should improve within this year I would think.

-How long does Rob Jeter last at Milwaukee…I guess Tone Boyle is out for the season. You feel bad for Milwaukee and Jeter in that respect. But still, I'm not sure he is the answer at Milwaukee.

I think for the Horizon League to gain more notoriety it would help if the big city schools were at least respectable. If Detroit, Milwaukee, Illinois Chicago, and CSU were all consistently good I think it would be kind of exciting. Waters knows what he is doing at least. And it seems Detroit is on the way up.


Alrighty! Peace for now. Thanks for reading!



Saturday, October 24, 2009

2009/10 Hoops Preview

For several years now the best college basketball has been played on the Coasts and in the West according to college hoops experts. The ACC has long been thought of as the best conference in college basketball until the last few years. That title was then given to the Big East and rightfully so.

Teams like North Carolina, Duke, Connecticutt, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Villanova have or had been powerhouses for several years. Then you've had Kansas in the far Midwest, and teams like UCLA and Arizona in the west being powerhouses.

But I think the power is shifting back to the heart of hoops...The Midwest.

Is it far-fetched to believe that the Big Ten is the best conference in college basketball? It seems somewhat laughable at first. The Big Ten? An argument could still be made for the Big East being the best conference. I don't think one can be made for the ACC though.

Maybe I have a bad memory, but I can't remember what any other ACC team besides North Carolina has done in the last 3-4 years. For a conference that ESPN and many of its experts considered the best conference for many years, I think it has fallen off quite a bit. There may be 3-5 conferences better, with the Big Ten, Big East, Big 12, and Pac 10 all possibly better then the ACC this year.

Back to the Big 10...a few reasons I think this could be the best conference in the land in 2009/2010

-Final 4 participant Michigan State returns most of its team. Izzo is a great coach and taking that team to the Final 4 last year was just great coaching. They weren't the most talented team, but Izzo got the most out of them. I'd expect them to be at least an Elite 8 team again this year.

-Tubby Smith took Minnesota to the NCAA tournament and his team got hammered. But it was their first year back and I would think they'll build on last years success and dissapointment in the tournament game.

-Ohio State also lost in the first round, but returns Evan Turner, one of the best players in the nation, along with other young talent.

-Sweet Sixteen participant Purdue returns most of its roster

-Northwestern and Penn State, unimpressive basketball programs in most of their existences, return solid rosters that could compete for NCAA tournament spots...

and finally....John Belien at Michigan. He is just a tremendous coach. He took Michigan to the second round of the NCAA tournament in only his second year. I think Michigan could be a sleeper to win the conference.

In Michigan State, Purdue, and Michigan you have 3 teams that could go deep into the NCAA tournament. Ohio State would be a dangerous tournament team that could go deep as well. Add in Minnesota, Illinois, Penn State, Wisonsin and Northwestern, and you have a very good conference...even Iowa and Indiana should be improved, but I don't know if those two team have enough talent to contend on a nightly basis in the league.

But it isn't all about the Big 10! I think the Big 10 is having a resurgence,but I think Mid-majors are going to enjoy a resurgence as well. But I also am intrigued at the potential level of play in the area where I live. I live in Ohio, but it's not just Ohio where there are several good teams. Within 4-5 hours of Dayton, Ohio, there are potentially 10-12 NCAA tournament teams.

The teams that I think have this potential...
-Wright State
-Ohio State
-Miami of Ohio
-Cleveland State
-Western Kentucky
-West Virginia

West Virginia and Pittsburgh were actually afterthoughts. ha! I started to wonder. I wonder how far those two schools are from Dayton. After looking the distance up on Google Maps, it turns out both schools are only a little over 4 hours away.

But if you love college basketball, I think Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky should be fun places to be this year.

Being a Wright State fan I'm of course excited about the Raiders this season. Butler of course is the team that everyone is talking about, and they deserve the accolades. I honestly think they may be the best team out of the 12 I mentioned.

Butler has all the pieces for a special run in the NCAA tournament. It may not be this year either. It could come next year when the bulk of their talent is juniors and seniors. But I have a feeling they are going to be a Sweet Sixteen this year. Once you get there, anything can happen, with George Mason being the ultimate example.

But Butler isn't George Mason. They are a legitimate Top 20 program now, that has an outside chance to make the Final 4 in the next 2-3 years with the talent they have. Which in my opinion actually makes the George Mason run so impressive. That is for another blog, but I still consider George Mason's run to the Final 4 one of, if not the best sports stories in the past 25-30 years. The point is, it wouldn't be outlandish for Butler to make the Final 4, especially next year.

But we're talking about this year, and with Shelvin Mack, Gordon Hayward, and Matt Howard returning, Butler should be special. I think someone else will step up also, maybe someone off the bench, that is a difference maker. I could see Garrett Butcher being that guy, but I'm not sure.

As for my beloved Wright State Raiders. I think the thinking in Raider-land is that this is also going to be a special season. I think the Raiders could even excede the high expectations if they stay healthy. Health will determine how good the Raiders are in my opinion.

I think if you asked people who Wright State's 4 best players are, people would tell you that Vaughn Duggins, John David Gardner, Todd Brown, and Cory Cooperwood are those guys.

For Wright State to be great, those 4 guys have to be healthy and feed off of each other. Todd Brown is a solid player. He's a solid rebounder, very good shooter, and a clutch shooter. But he's at his best when there are other guards penetrating and creating open looks for him.

I think Brown and Cooperwood benefit the most from a healthy Gardner and Duggins. N'Gai Evans off the bench is also an important part of the puzzle. He continually improved and could be a great spark off the bench with his quickness and speed. I actually wouldn't mind him starting, but I think the combo of Gardner and Evans at point guard is pretty good.

Again though, the key is to keep Gardner and Duggins healthy. I could see Brown having a sensational year this year feeding off of those two guys being healthy and getting him the ball behind the arc.

But it's not just about those 4 guys. The depth is what provides so much promise. Need some shooting off the bench? Bring in Troy Tabler or Cooper Land. Need some toughness and grit off the bench? Bring Scott Grote and Paul Darkwa.

This Raiders team has the potential to be right there with Butler at the end of the year in the conference. That sounds crazy to some, but if things fall in place for Wright State they could go 16-2 or 15-3 in the conference.

I could write more about the Raiders, but this is getting long so a few more thoughts on the Horizon League and another Mid-Major conference, the A-10.

-I think the Horizon League is going to break out of one of these years and have a year that resembles what the Missouri Valley Conference had a few years back. That brings another thought, and confession as well. I don't know much about the MVC this year. It's a great conference, and has been better then the Horizon League. It's been the premier Mid-Major league, and they have better fan support then Horizon League teams. But I don't think it's far-fetched to think that the Horizon League is almsot right there with the MVC.

Horizon League teams gotta do something in the out-of-conference games though to gain a better reputation. It's time for Wright State, Cleveland State, Milwaukee,Green Bay, and Detroit to gain some big out of conference wins for the conference. CSU had a big one last year at Syracuse.

I think if Wright State wins at either Washington or Mississippi it'll change the perception of their program for the year and for the next few years. Sometimes it just takes one big win to change things. thoughts! I know A-10 fans don't think of their conference as a Mid-major, but it's not quite a major conference either. But Dayton should be very good this year. I know as a Wright State fan I am suppose to hate UD! But I don't...I'm not really fan of them, but as an innocent bystander, I have to admit they are impressively talented.

Xavier is always good, and teams like Richmond, Lasalle, and Duquessne are expected to be pretty good. I can't be the only one that thinks it proves that a great coach can change any program when Duquessne and Lasalle have high expectations! But both schools are expected to have very good seasons.

So I think the A-10 is gonna be solid this year. And the Horizon League of course I believe will be solid as well.

Basketball is back after a lackluster year from Mid-Major conferences. It's also back in the Big-10. It should be a fun year.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WSU,Horizon,On The Bubble

Wright State survives and advances with a sloppy 68-56 win over Valparaiso. I fear that the Raiders may have reached the end of their line tonight. Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I'd be ecstatic if they beat Milwaukee on Friday night and get to play Butler in the Semi-finals on Saturday night. I really think Milwaukee is going to beat the Raiders. I know WSU just beat them the other day, but I have a bad feeling that Milwaukee's guards are going to rise to the occasion and carry the Panthers offensively.

Will Graham and N'Gai Evans were pretty bad last night. You look at their stats and it's hard to believe Wright State wins somewhat comfortably. Graham and Evans combined for something like 7 points 8 assists, and 7 turnovers…those were the combined numbers from your PG and your SG!

To Evan's defense, he had the two early fouls and had to sit the bench for much of the first half. I think as a young player it's sometimes hard to know how to get back in the flow of the game when you sit so much in the first half like Evans did.

Graham only took 3 shots. It's Graham's untimely turnovers though that plague the Raiders the most. Many times it's when the Raiders have a chance to push the ball or open up a little bit of a lead he just gets too excited and makes a bad decision with the ball. In many ways, I love Graham. He is a true team player, and his free throws at the end of the HL championship against Butler will always stand out to me.

But he is not the greatest Point Guard of all time. He's one of the least smooth point guards of all time. It seems every game he turns the ball over on traveling violations at least like 2 times. I think he was a solid backup PG. It's kind of interesting how he has played so much in the last few years, partially because of injury. I think his defense, and hustle are welcomed by the team, and sometimes he can really spark a run, but he's just too inconsistent to keep the offense running smoothly.


If the Raiders do make it to Saturday night, I just hope they keep the game respectable, because Butler just outmatches in almost every way on paper. I still think Green Bay or CSU is going to knock off Butler though in the Final…


On the Bubble

Well, the Bearcats played themselves out of the NCAA tournament. They lost to South Florida by 11 points. I don't know about the Big East. Is it overrated? You know Wright State beat South Florida by like 17 in Puerto Rico earlier this year?! They stomped South Florida. The Syracuse loss was enough to disqualify Cincinnati in my opinion. It's weird because I am a Cincinnati fan. But I never thought they deserved a bid unless they like won their last 5 games or went maybe 4-1 and won a few games in the Big East tournament. They don't really have many good wins. They have won a lot of games they should have won and had some embarrassing defeats.

The questions about Mick Cronin are going to start to get louder. Is he really up to the challenge of Coaching UC in the Big East? I think this is only his 3rd year, but he's still a mystery to me. Initially, I thought he was a good hire, but the Big East is a whole new ballgame. Just look at Notre Dame and their coach. He probably gets fired after this season. ND had high expectations…preseason Top 10 (preseason rankings are pretty silly), some very good players returning…yet they have underperformed big-time.

I don't think Ohio State should get in either. Their best out of conference wins are probably against Butler and Miami…The Butler game was at home. And as good as Butler has been, they went into OSU with a younger team then OSU and almost won. Miami of Florida is only 6-8 in the ACC.


…Kentukcy. If Kentucky gets an automatic bid this year I will consider it fact there is a conspiracy theory among the selection committee to always have Kentucky in the Field of 64. Shoot, VMI probably deserves to get in before UK. They did beat UK on their home floor.

The questions on Gillespie have already been loud for quite awhile. Maybe rightfully so. Jodie Meeks has had a great year. Patrick Patterson is very good, and probably a first round NBA pick. You've got 2 guys probably gonna be drafted in the first round of the NBA draft. Meeks is one of the most prolific scorers in the nation, and still they are mediocre on most night. With 2 players like that in a weak SEC, UK should be better then they are.

Alrighty!! Well, just some thoughts. I am so ready for some March Madness.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wright State, Bracketbusters, Mid-Major Hoops

Wright State suffered an ugly bracketbusters loss to Northeastern on Saturday afternoon. The Raiders turned it over 16 times to Northeaster's 6 turnovers. If I had turned that game on as just a casual basketball fan I think I'd be stunned to learn that Wright State had won 16 games this year. They are just a team with so many flaws. It is somewhat amazing that they have 16 wins. Offensively, the Raiders are brutal to watch at times. I hate to be so negative, but these are just my true thoughts! Haha

Scott Grote kind of mystifies me. I think he could be good, but he has lapses where he just is not quick enough, especially with the ball. It's like he is still adjusting to the quickness of Division 1 Hoops even though he's been around it for 3 years now. Sometimes I'm not sure he makes great decisions defensively, and his turnovers on the offensive side of the ball are frustrating.

With that being said, I think he is an aggressive offensive player, and that is something the Raiders desperately need. Graham and Evans just don't produce enough scoring so the Raiders need someone like Grote to step up to make any kind of run in the conference tournament.



I hear people complain about ESPN's bracketbusters every year and how it doesn't help them. It's usually the fans of the really good mid major teams who I perceive think their team/program is above the bracketbusters idea or that it hurts them if they lose. It usually just sounds like whining, but I am starting to understand that sentiment. I might be coming from a little different perspective though.

I watched parts of many of the bracketbusters games on replay through (I love 360! Especially since I don't have cable television) Anyway, ESPN and their announcers seem to unintentionally belittle the Mid-majors. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but I just get the feeling ESPN feels like it is doing these small piddly schools a service, which in some ways they are…but I still don't think they get it. The top of the line Mid-Major teams can beat anyone in the BCS conferences on a neutral floor or on the mid-majors home floor.

Anyway, Gordon Hayward is (no pun intended) dog for Butler. One of the slights I thought the announcers made was when they said Indiana and Purdue, or Michigan State missed out on Hayward. First off, who really wants to go to Indiana with what they went through in the last year or two? But I honestly think Butler is just out-recruiting some of these big schools. I don't think these schools are necessarily "missing" on guys like Gordon Hayward. It's like out West where Gonzaga started just out recruiting Washington, Oregon, and Washington State for some of the top players in the North West.

Butler played great defense on Steph Curry, but I really hope Davidson makes the NCAA tournament. I kind of think they deserve to go if they lose in their conference tournament and don't get the automatic bid. Steph Curry is so fun to watch. He's just a tremendous player. Butler won that game easily. But you could tell that if Curry was playing like he normally does when healthy that Davidson probably could have won the game or at least been in the game in the last minute. He makes that big of a difference when healthy and sharp.

Mid Major Hoops

I'll be honest. I can't tell a difference in hardly any of the Mid-Major leagues anymore. People say the MVC is the best. They say the Horizon is pretty good. A-10 fans like to think they are the closest to being a major conference out of the Mid-Majors. But I would submit to you that there is so much parity that it'd hard to make any definitive statements. Butler and Gonzaga are probably the best mid-majors right now. Siena, Creighton, Dayton, and Xavier are all close in my opinion. Green Bay can be very good some nights.

I watched a little bit of Sienna and Niagra. Who is to say those 2 teams wouldn't be fighting for championships in the A-10, Horizon, or MVC conferences? Especially Sienna.

The A-10 is a little hard to figure out. UD isn't out of the woods yet. They could still end up with 5 losses in the conference. Xavier is good, but I think a little overrated. I kind of hope Green Bay and like Temple or Rhode Island win the Horizon and A10 tournaments because you know Butler, Xavier, and Dayton will get at large bids…those kind of upsets would keep out some of those 7th and 8th place teams in the ACC, Big 10, and Big East, that are just kind of boring to watch.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Butler Falls, Title Contenders

What's up with Butler losing to Loyola at home?! That was definitely a surprise, but then again, nothing is too surprising in College Hoops these days. Anyone can truly win or lose on any given night. College Hoops is not like College Football where the team with better athletes eventually just outmuscles the less athletic and less talented team.

Butler is definitely the most talented team in the Horizon League, but they are also a team that depends heavily on the three pointer. They remind me a little bit of certain Kentucky teams back in the day who lived and died by the 3 pointer.

Butler doesn't seem like a team though that is incapable of winning if it has a bad night shooting from behind the arc. It's defense is what was most disappointing in its loss vs. Loyola. The Ramblers shot 9-20 from behind the arc. That was the difference in the game.

I think Butler still wins the Horizon League tournament and probably makes the NCAA tournament as a 7-8 seed. It's probably better for them to have a seed like that instead of in the 4-5 spot. I think they will fare better with less pressure on them with being such a young team.

I tell ya what…if I'm a 1 or 2 seed, I don't want to see Butler in that 7 or 8 spot. They are the type of team that could knock off one of the big boys with a good night shooting from behind the arc.


Title Contenders

For some reason I only think there are 3 teams that could win the National Championship right now. Those teams are…



North Carolina

I think this is the year Pitt breaks through and wins it all. I'll be honest. I'm not really a fan of Pittsburgh. Maybe because I don't like the Steelers. I just associate every sports team in Pittsburgh with being dirty.

But they are just a tough rugged team. They have the capability to beat you from the outside which is an area they haven't been to strong in past years. Dejaun Blair is a rebounding beast down low. Lavance Fields is a crafty tough stocky guard from NY City that I would want in a big game.

Fields averages over 11 points and 7 assists a game.

Then you have their leading scorer Sam Young who is a physical presence yet can hit the outside shot. He averages about 17 a game. Led by those 3 players and some solid role players, I think Pitt is primed to make a run to the Final 4 and possibly win it all this year. I may change my mind before I fill out my bracket, but that's what I'm thinking now!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wright State, The Big 4 in Ohio in the NCAA’s?

Nice bounce back win for my beloved Wright State Raiders last night. Corey Cooperwood had a very good game finishing with 19 points. He has scored 19, 12, and 12 in his last 3 games. Over the whole season Cooperwood is averaging about 23 minutes per game. I think if he can average at least 5 more minutes a game down the stretch the Raiders offense will be more successful. He actually should have had about 25 last night if he hadn't missed some layups.

While Cooperwood's individual game is progressing, the Raiders guards' ability to penetrate last night was a key in Cooperwood getting some easy buckets. Todd Brown and N'Gai Evans especially were effective in penetrating to the basket.

As I was watching the game, one thing became clear. There is a big difference in Butler and Loyola! Butler cut off most of Wright State's efforts to penetrate in the game Saturday night, whereas Todd Brown, who isn't the quickest guy off the dribble, seemingly had his way taking the ball to the bucket against Loyola.


The Big 4 in the NCAA's?

I think most people would agree that the top 4 programs in Ohio are Cincinnati, Xavier, Ohio State, and Dayton. When is the last time those 4 teams have made the NCAA tournament. With Dayton's win vs. Xavier tonight, and Cincinnati beating St. John's it appears that all 4 are on their way to the NCAA tournament. Here are their records…

Dayton 22-3 (8-2)

Xavier 20-4 (8-2)

Cincinnati 17-8 (7-5)

Ohio State 17-5 (7-4)


I think these four teams are pretty even actually. One of them doesn't really stick out over the other. I think Cincinnati would be a bit of a surprise to make the tournament, but they have one of the best scoring guards in the country in Deonta Vaughn, a very talented big guy in Yancy Gates, and some other talented slash to the bucket type of players. They aren't great but I think they are improving.

With that being said, I think Cincy should still be on the bubble. The good thing if you're Cincy is that if you finish in the top 8 in the Big East, you're pretty much automatically in. I'm not sure that should be the case every year though. You can make a strong argument that Cincy doesn't deserve to be in. They haven't really had any really good wins, and have played hardly anyone on the road in the nonconference. I am a Bearcats fan, but they are one of those teams that as a "mid-major" fan I would despise because they may make the tournament with 10-11 losses, not playing a tough nonconference schedule…all the while keeping out a very good mid-major team with 4-6 losses. We'll See…


Finally…Big win for the Dayton Flyers tonight. They are a tough team to figure out. Very deep, but usually a terrible shooting team. They hit 6-14 from behind the arc tonight. If they should 40% from behind the arc they can beat about anyone. But it also seems like they can lose to anyone when they don't hit a couple threes. A few more thoughts on the Flyers

  1. Chris Wright is the definition of raw talent. Sometimes I think he is overrated. He's not smooth in his offensive game. But he could be a great player if he stays 4 years at Dayton. I would say there is a 90% chance he stays 4 years. I'm not sure he would really excel in the NBA. He kind of is a good representative of the whole team. He'll brick a three-pointer, and then hit 2 threes in a row. If he becomes more consistent, he could be one of the best Dayton Flyers of all time.
  2. Chris Johnson is really impressive. He only played 14 minutes tonight. You can't really criticize Brian Gregory tonight, but man how does that guy only play 14 minutes? Some night he looks like the best player on the team. He needs to play at least 20 minutes a game. He doesn't have the talent of Chris Wright, but he has more fluidity (probably not a word) to his game, plus he is quite athletic himself. Very impressive.
  3. Xavier is a bit overrated. They don't look like a Top 15 team, and they definitely aren't a Top 10 team as they were ranked recently. I think as you build your program, it's a lot easier to get those higher rankings even when you may not quite deserve it. They are good don't get me wrong. A top 25 team, but I don't think they have the guards to make a big run in the NCAA tournament. I'd be really surprised if they make the Sweet 16.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wright State, Teams I wouldn't want to face

Let's be honest. Wright State got creamed over the weekend against Butler. I don't think Butler is 20 points better than Wright State, but they certainly are better in all aspects of the game. I kind of thought Butler would win by 7-10 points. Wright State has probably played it's worst two halves of the year against Butler, and I think Butler has probably played it's two best halves of the year against the Raiders.

For the Raiders to have success down the stretch a few things are going to have happen in my opinion. In no particular order

1)Corey Cooperwood has to establish a low post game. I've thought all year that he is capable of scoring down low, but for some reason the Raiders don't make it a focus. Sometimes I think some of our low post guys have more potential to score then we've given them credit for. There's no one prolific, but the Raiders rarely even try to feed it to Cooperwood, Thomas, Horne, etc.

2) Scott Grote needs to play a lot and play well. Grote is finally turning into the player many of us thought. Grote's emergence has been surprising and encouraging. I'll be honest. I thought Grote was terrible in the beginning of the year. He didn't look like he belonged at the D1 level. But he is a crafty offensive player. I think he could be very big for the Raiders the rest of this year.

3) N'Gai Evans has to hit some outside shots, and Will Graham has to develop a Vernard Hollins attitude of taking the ball to the basket aggresively. Some people think Graham should like never shoot. I actually kind of think he needs to be more aggressive. His career is almost over. I think he needs to take a commando attitude and start becoming more aggresive mainly by taking the ball to the rack.

A few thoughts on a few mid-major teams I wouldn't want to play in the NCAA tournament.

1) Butler-They have the ability to just destroy you if they are shooting well. Then you have to consider that they win even when they don't shoot well because they also play great defense. They will be a tough out for anyone in the NCAA tournament. This team is deep, and Gordon Hayward has NBA potential in my opinion after 4 years at Butler.

2) Miami of Ohio-They lost their PG in Kenny Hayes. I thought they would fall off the map a bit after this, but after a few stumbles they are quietly having a very good season. Michael Bramos could start for anyone in the Midwest, Tyler Dierkers is solid and they always play great defense.

3) Utah State-I don't know a whole lot about them honestly! But they are a solid program who has made the NCAA tournament a fair amount of times. I think if they get in this time (and with just 1 loss so far it looks like they are a lock), they'll beat someone. Great defensive team, and a good program maybe ready to take that next step.

Welcome to The Peach Basket

Welcome to The Peach Basket! I love College Basketball to the core. Growing up, my first love in college hoops was the Xavier Musketeers. Then it was the Cincinnati Bearcats. Yes I was probably a bit of a front runner but was a kid at the time when Xavier went to the Sweet 16 in the late 80s...and I was still a kid when Bob Huggins took over at UC and took the Bearcats on a glorious run to the Final 4 (1992 I believe it was).

Fast forward to the year 2000 (in the yeaarrr 2000! Conan Obrien joke). I became a student at Wright State University. Rewind a little bit. I had been to a few Wright State games before becoming a student. I remember the great Keion Brooks dominating Chicago State. But the most memorable game that I attended was of course when #7 ranked Michigan State came to the Nutter Center and were handed a loss by the Israel Sheinfeld-led Raiders! Michigan State went on to win the National Championship that year.

Ok, fast forward again. For some reason it took 4 years for me to get involved in the radio station at Wright State, but finally in my 4th year at Wright State I got involved (I graduated in 5 years. I red-shirted either my freshman or sophomore year. I'm not really sure which one I'd consider my redshirt year.)

I did some weekly radio shows which I really enjoyed, but my favorite part of volunteering at WWSU was being able to participate in broadcasts for both the women's and men's basketball teams. I was able to try a little of, color commentating, and producing pregame, halftime, and postgame shows. It was really fun, and increased my love of Wright State basketball.

As far as other experience that I have involving the game of basketball...
1) Averaged 3 ppg as the starting center for my 9th grade basketball team (Central Bucs)
2) Several double doubles in local pickup games at Fairgrounds Park over the years
3) Have watched hundreds of hours of basketball over the years on television

...I love basketball, especially College Basketball.

There will be a couple main focuses to this blog

1) Wright State..."we must do our alma mater"
2) The Horizon League
3) College Hoops in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Midwest...Dayton,UC, Xavier, Ohio State, UK, Louisville, Notre Dame, Indiana, Purdue
4) Mid-major hoops
5) The National Landscape, Top 25 Hoops

There will be more of a local focus, but I'll branch out all over the country.

It's getting to that exciting part of the year when the men are separated from the boys. But even with that, the boys still have a chance to become men by winning their conference tournaments.

If you've come to this blog, I hope that you enjoy my random thoughts, and feel free to comment. I'd love to hear some feedback. I'm hoping to stick with this and write often and hopefully provide some entertainment and insight into the madness that is College Hoops.

In closing my first blog, I'd like to propose to the powers that be an annual "Old Timers" game in D1 hoops between like Princeton and Brown where actual Peachbaskets are used, no dunks are allowed, and free throws must be shot under-handed.